A couple days ago I had an amazing realization.
I’ve been studying Goddard, trying to learn how to manifest. I’ve also been reading The Kabbalistic Mirror of Genesis.
The realization itself is simple. The explanation is difficult. I understand why Goddard said he’d rather be a man teaching 20 people than one of the 20 trying to learn.
“It’s just a matter of calling things to us,” reads my note on a highlighted text that says, “A thing’s definition is supported by all the things it is not. What defines the existence or non-existence of a thing always rests on comparison.”
Let’s start simple. Is a cat a book? No.
But now we know more about the definition of a book and a cat.
“All defined things are dependent.” The book goes. “They rely on contrasts to sustain their boundaries, and therefore cannot be independent.”
Here’s where it gets serious. “Since no defined thing has real autonomous independence, all that is left to rely upon is the purity of Ain Sof [the limitless]. However, when the mind fixates on finite things it assumes to be real or unreal, great primordial space becomes obscure.”
One more part, but first a definition is required. Tzimtzum means contraction or withdrawal. It goes with the conventional idea that space “closes up” when “a particular object assumes boundaries.”
“In truth, tzimtzum cannot actually restrain or divide space at all. Space cannot be changed. It only presents a vivid but insubstantial form of play. This play consists of reflections arising and dissolving. They have no independent existence; they simply echo like a hall of mirrors. If the wisdom of their playful, open disposition can be appreciated, the transcendent nature of phenomena can be glimpsed.”